outdoorcastironcook's Channel
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"It's All About Eating Good In The Great Outdoors!!!"

We are a husband & wife cooking team. We share our outdoor cast iron recipes, so you can enjoy good meals while having fun in the great outdoors. We also share the natural beauty of the locations we go, with scenery clips in our webisodes.
Each recipe, along with other useful information, is located in the video description, located below the video player.
Non subscribers will see our latest promotional webisode while viewing our channel page.
Subscribers will see our current webisode, while viewing our channel page.
We upload new videos on a weekly to monthly basis.
Please subscribe, hit the like button and join in on the fun!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Dean - The Fogcrawler
Joanie - The Teardrop Nanny

Note: Several folks have stated that they can only see the first line or two of our recipes...
While watching on the Youtube page, click on "More" to expand the recipe.

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