J.J. McCullough
J.J. McCullough's Channel
J.J. McCullough has no videos available.
J.J. McCullough
Hello friends, my name is J.J. and I do culture videos.

I love learning about the culture that defines my life, and the lives of people in other places. I think we all need to live life with the right mix of skepticism and gratitude, and not take things too seriously. This is the attitude I try to bring to my videos, I hope you enjoy them! And I hope you help me learn stuff about where you're from!

Questions, comments? Email me at: jjmccullough@gmail.com

Unfortunately I am no longer accepting mail from fans. I just get too much of it and my apartment is too small to store it all. To email me about something else, here's the address: jjmccullough@gmail.com

For $1 a month you can support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jjmccullough
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