Beltloop29 Homestead
Beltloop29 Homestead's Channel
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Beltloop29 Homestead
Beltloop29 Homestead
I never planted anything before 2020. Since then, I have studied many hours, passed all the tests to become a Master Gardener, and grown many things in my gardens. I never did donate enough hours to obtain the title of Master Gardener. My wife has been a master gardener for about 10 years. The plan was to have more we could do together. I still like growing things, just don't have the time to obtain the title. I also enjoy Homestead related things. I am a full time Police Officer with the rank of Lieutenant with a Mental Health facility. That pays the bills.

Mailing address is

366 Scarbrough St.
Unit 180562
Richland MS 39218

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