RikkuStarling's Channel
RikkuStarling has no videos available.
(Formerly known as OnlyReitasGirl)

Why hello there, thanks for taking the time to check out my channel.

Edit late 2021/early 2022:
i finally managed to get a new PC!! it took me a while to gather what i need to get back into editing again and i haven't worked on anything for so long that i almost forgot how to do certain things :')
it'll take some time to get "back into the flow" so to speak... i will probably never be as active again as i was years ago but it's still a hobby of mine. Thanks for sticking around! ♥

I tend to make Slash and Femslash (gay stuff if that's what you want to call it) videos, so if that's not your thing, feel free to move on. No harm done eh?

(gorgeous Rikku icon from mooglepalooza on tumblr)


◆ you pick i vid - [6/8]
◆ IDGAF (Nick/Ellis - L4D2)
◆ Obsession (Sean/Finn - LiS2)
◆ Midnight Sky (Tifa/Aerith AU)
◆ ??? (Dylan/Ryan - The Quarry)
◆ ??? (Jason/Salim - House of Ashes)
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