Omega Ace Gaming
Omega Ace Gaming's Channel
Omega Ace Gaming has no videos available.
Omega Ace Gaming
Thanks for checking out my channel!

I created this channel to make new friends; I love hanging out and getting to know fellow gamers.

I mainly stream and occasionally upload videos of no-death runs, funnies, informative videos, and occasional giveaways.

I'm always looking for ways to improve the channel, and I am currently working on better video editing, thumbnails, and overlays.

My favorite game franchises are Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, and The Legend of Zelda. What are yours?

I currently livestream on every other Saturday around
8:00p.m. Pacific time
10:00p.m. Central time
11:00p.m. Eastern time

We have a very welcoming retro community, so definitely check us out!

Current channel projects:
NDR the Castlevania series: 19 out of 35 games completed
Power Quest
N64 Transfer Pak Video
Castlevania Shorts

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