Queen Techno115
Queen Techno115's Channel
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Queen Techno115
Hey everyone My Name is Queen Techno but everyone calls me Tech or Techy. I love playing Zombies and helping people with Easter Eggs. I also play a lot of other games so if u enjoy my content make sure to like and subscribe to stay tuned in with the fun. Also I love to meet new people so much love to u all 💖
Twitter: Take a look at 👑 Queen Techno115 (@Boo_Technochick): https://twitter.com/Boo_Technochick?s=09
Discord: https://discord.gg/QpFcwRY

Special thanks for My
Channel Art and thumbnails done by Kaotic World Take a look at KaoticWorldYT (@SavageSylentK): https://twitter.com/SavageSylentK?s=09
Kaotic World YT Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCayOhX6...
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