Jericho And Friends
Jericho And Friends's Channel
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Jericho And Friends
This channel features videos ofJericho & Thunder the 2 Gray Cats, cat product review videos, as well as bird videos and other wildlife videos from our yard and patio.

Jericho is a girl, has green eyes, and she was born in 2007 and was adopted from the Humane Society on September 28, 2007, as an 8-week-old kitten. She is either a Korat or a Russian Blue. Jericho's first YouTube video was published April 2, 2017.

Thunder was a boy, had orange eyes, and he was born in 2009 and was adopted from an animal rescue shelter on July 21, 2017, as an 8-year-old senior cat. Thunder had FIV+ and was diagnosed with the early stages of kidney failure in 2018. He recovered from his kidney failure, but in September 2022 Thunder was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer and passed away on 3/17/2023.

Jericho is a senior adult cats and lives with her human mom in the Midwestern United States. Thank you for visiting our page, and I hope that you will enjoy our videos! Blessings!
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