Hello! This is Kewlbreeze8. :D
I'm currently busy doing art stuff and mostly interacting on other social platforms I made. :T
I'm mostly active in Discord. Feel Free to Friend me there: Kewlbreeze8#0653
Anyways, That's all for this Description. Imma posts some content if needed. and Uhh Stay safe y'all. Peace Out!
Btw, if this Channel gets 100 Subs, I'll post my 1st Introduction Vid :D
100 Sub Update:
Oh uhh, Wasn't expecting y'all to actually reach my goal ._."""
Oh well, 1st Introduction Vid, Coming right up ":D
I'm currently busy doing art stuff and mostly interacting on other social platforms I made. :T
I'm mostly active in Discord. Feel Free to Friend me there: Kewlbreeze8#0653
Anyways, That's all for this Description. Imma posts some content if needed. and Uhh Stay safe y'all. Peace Out!
Btw, if this Channel gets 100 Subs, I'll post my 1st Introduction Vid :D
100 Sub Update:
Oh uhh, Wasn't expecting y'all to actually reach my goal ._."""
Oh well, 1st Introduction Vid, Coming right up ":D
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