There are over 50,000 known different species of spider crawling around on this planet we live on. On average, there are thousands of unseen spiders within 50 feet of where you are sitting, hundreds of unseen spiders within 20 feet of where you are sitting, and maybe even a few right next to you. Spiders are everywhere, so whether we like it or not we just have to get used to that fact.
On this channel you'll see black widow spiders, brown widow spiders, false black widow spiders, orb weaver spiders, huntsmen spiders, giant house spiders, wolf spiders, brown recluse spiders, hobo spiders, jumping spiders, redback spiders, devil spiders, crab spiders, tarantulas, camel spiders, and a few other creepy crawly things such as centipedes, scorpions, praying mantises, hissing cockroaches, crickets, beetles, ants, death face moths, hornets, dragonflies, wasps, katydids, and whatever else crawls, flies, or slithers in.
On this channel you'll see black widow spiders, brown widow spiders, false black widow spiders, orb weaver spiders, huntsmen spiders, giant house spiders, wolf spiders, brown recluse spiders, hobo spiders, jumping spiders, redback spiders, devil spiders, crab spiders, tarantulas, camel spiders, and a few other creepy crawly things such as centipedes, scorpions, praying mantises, hissing cockroaches, crickets, beetles, ants, death face moths, hornets, dragonflies, wasps, katydids, and whatever else crawls, flies, or slithers in.
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