⍟ channel for posting music from various countries and eras, primarily (but not exclusively) socialist/communist/revolutionary music.
The lyrics, translations, images etc., of videos do not necessarily reflect the views of this channel or its operator, unless otherwise stated. All videos, images, descriptions, lyrics, etc. are meant to serve a historical preservation, entertainment or educational purpose.
*This channel is run by one person and is NOT affiliated with any organization, government, or association of any country. In addition this channel is NOT monetized and will never be.*
The lyrics, translations, images etc., of videos do not necessarily reflect the views of this channel or its operator, unless otherwise stated. All videos, images, descriptions, lyrics, etc. are meant to serve a historical preservation, entertainment or educational purpose.
*This channel is run by one person and is NOT affiliated with any organization, government, or association of any country. In addition this channel is NOT monetized and will never be.*
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