Cookiemonster MS
No I am not going to be making any more UTSS episodes.
Q: Are you a boy or girl?
A: I am a girl.
Q: What programs do you use to make your videos?
A: I use MS Paint, Gimp 2.6 (downloaded off the internet for free), Paint Tool Sai, and Windows Movie Maker Live.
Q: Do you use a tablet?
A: Yes.
Q: How old are you and how long have you been animating?
A: I am 16. I've been animating for about 4 years now.
Q: Can you teach me how to animate?!
A: Sorry, I am the worst teacher you'll ever meet;; Try looking up tutorials on youtube.
Q: Are you a boy or girl?
A: I am a girl.
Q: What programs do you use to make your videos?
A: I use MS Paint, Gimp 2.6 (downloaded off the internet for free), Paint Tool Sai, and Windows Movie Maker Live.
Q: Do you use a tablet?
A: Yes.
Q: How old are you and how long have you been animating?
A: I am 16. I've been animating for about 4 years now.
Q: Can you teach me how to animate?!
A: Sorry, I am the worst teacher you'll ever meet;; Try looking up tutorials on youtube.
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