GameFaceStudios's Channel
GameFaceStudios has no videos available.
GameFaceStudios better known as GFS was founded by IpodKingCarter & WyzaNow, two guys who have the best of both worlds in the sports gaming community. The members you see here today weren't the first, GameFaceStudios has had many many directors and even maybe one day that could be you. As a group of talented commentators we have built and established GameFaceStudios as one of the best community channels on YouTube.

Requirements To Join:

Subscribers: 5,000 at the least.

Uploaded Videos: 250 at the least.

Average of Views: 2,500 per video at the least.

Has to be familiar with and interact with current GFS Members.

Has to be a YouTube gaming commentator.

Has to interact with their viewers/subscribers.

Has to have uploaded a video in the last week of being reviewed by GFS.

Has to upload 2-3 videos a week on their personal channel.

Has to provide HD quality, 1280x720 or higher.

Has to have a clear mic, with very little feedback or background noise.
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