M a g g o t
M a g g o t's Channel
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M a g g o t
Happy Pisces Season

Zodiac Signs: ๐ŸŒŒ
Aries - AJ she/her
Taurus - Trey he/him
Gemini - Gia they/them
Cancer - Casey he/him
Leo - London she/her
Virgo - Vincent he/him
Libra - Lana she/her
Scorpio - Sean he/him
Sagittarius - Salem she/her
Capricorn - Cameron he/him
Aquarius - Andreas he/him
Pisces - Phoebe she/her

Disclaimer: My Zodiacs donโ€™t represent you, anything you may have in common with them is most likely a coincidence. I donโ€™t believe in Zodiacs nor horoscopes, this is just for fun and to post my art. Preferably a 13+ audience :)

Iโ€™ll try to post as much as possible, but no upload schedule as of ever and there probably never will be.

Follow me on Pinterest! https://pin.it/bGrB69U
Add me on Discord if you want to commission me! sunny.boy #8302

Free Palestine ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ


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