Glynn R The Gamer G O A T
Glynn R The Gamer G O A T's Channel
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Glynn R The Gamer G O A T
Glynn R The Gamer G O A T
Hello my name is GlynnR,

I am the Gamer G O A T ( Greatest Of All Times) in the field of playing, collecting and overall just all out having fun with video games. I enjoy collecting and finding games. This YouTube channel is dedicated to me finding, trading, and talking about video game finds that I have found out in the wild, traded with friends or found at video game stores or second hand shops. I specialize in playing and collecting Neo Geo, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Genesis, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Playstation and other game systems. Kick back and enjoy me talking about my latest video game finds or just showing some of my very extensive collection. I have been playing video games since the 70"s and collecting and buying video games since the 80's. I am open to any and all suggestions that will help me improve and grow my channel. So like, comment and subscribe.

Mail: Glynn Ross PO Box 21441 Eagan MN 55412

GlynnR The Gamer GOAT
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