Werehog 32X
Werehog 32X's Channel
Werehog 32X has no videos available.
Werehog 32X
This Channel is dedicated to 90s and 2000s content

Frequent questions

R / 10 + 1 + 1 + 1
Video editor?
R / Sony Vegas PRO 13
R / Seafood
Who inspired you?
R / I don't remember well, I think it was
The gamers gdl
Favorite video games?
R / Sonic Unleashed and MegaMan X2
Favorite movie?
R / Back to the future trilogy and Sherk xD
Favorite anime?
R / Digimon, Death Note, JoJo Bizarre Adventure, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Sonic X
Favorite TV show?
R / Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Invader Zim
Favorite music?
R / You will find them in the Playlists that I have created

I hope you subscribe, I am a person who takes time to upload video so to fill that space it will be with Gameplays, which will be on the main page or playlist, or even Direct

PS4 - WerehogSPD

Meaning of the name (yes me too)

Werehog = Sonic Character
32X = SEGA Console
Channel Comments
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