Kaizoku Shimai
This is a group of cover that exists since 2009. It consists of two fans of One Piece, Nami and Erika. They know each other since 2007 and are very similar, they are nicknamed the same PonTwins. That is why the group name is Kaizoku Shimai, then sisters pirates.
Erika and Nami both have 19 years and also love the Hello! Project.
Erika is represented by Ai Takahashi Aika Mitsui and Aya Hirano, its color is cyan.
Nami is represented by Erika Umeda, Aya Matsuura, and at a time, by Koharu Kusumi, its color is green.
13 Singles, 3 Album, 1 Best Of.
Erika and Nami both have 19 years and also love the Hello! Project.
Erika is represented by Ai Takahashi Aika Mitsui and Aya Hirano, its color is cyan.
Nami is represented by Erika Umeda, Aya Matsuura, and at a time, by Koharu Kusumi, its color is green.
13 Singles, 3 Album, 1 Best Of.
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