WMBestovious1439 YouTube Broadcast
WMBestovious1439 YouTube Broadcast's Channel
WMBestovious1439 YouTube Broadcast has no videos available.
WMBestovious1439 YouTube Broadcast
WMBestovious1439 YouTube Broadcast
WMBC-HD Baltimore City

Hey guys, I'm Wesley Powell and welcome to WMBestovious1439.

WMBestovious1439 Update:
Beginning tomorrow, I'll be moving my video operation to my new YouTube Channel, "The Wesleyo" as a new affiliate with the Mopeois City Entertainment Group. So, on February 1st, I won't be using this old YouTube channel anymore, because WMBC is no longer a part of the Shaftware Broadcast Company. Thank you for watching the WMBestovious1439 YouTube channel, serving 12 years of great memories watching The Deskitell Family of Cavalier, Super Zeroian Strikers and my personal videos.

SUBSCRIBE to my NEW YouTube channel, The Wesleyo!

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