ilikoldies's Channel
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Hi! Friends! I am Mike from Wisconsin USA. I am here on U Tube to have fun, and meet new friends.
My Channel, I lik oldies is a collection of video's of some things going on in my life. As well as a collection of music, and video's I enjoy. I have enjoyed music since I was young, walking around singing the Banana Boat song, and Purple People Eater. Sometimes I still do! LOL!
I enjoy sharing notes, an comments with my friends on U Tube. My comments will always be nice. My mother always said "if you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything" .
From time to time I will post videos of things I find interesting. Sometimes I may post silly things, please don't laugh at me, laugh with me. Each day is a good one if we can help one person smile.
I have met many wonderful people here on U Tube! You are welcome to sub my channel and join my friends an I. Thank you for visiting my channel!
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