Koston Enkeli
Koston Enkeli's Channel
Koston Enkeli has no videos available.
Koston Enkeli
Here is some info of me:
- Birthday: 5th of August (1999)
- I like bouldering and video games

My top bands are:
1: Turmion Kätilöt
2: Apulanta
3: Mokoma
4: Ruoska
5: Aston Kalmari

Here is some Fandoms I like:
- Star Wars
- 9-1-1 series
- Ready player one
- Tokyo Ghoul
- Digimon
- Rainbow Six Siege
- Dead By Daylight
- Smite
- InFamous Saga
- Devil may cry
- Fast and Furious movies
- Resident Evil
- Ninjago
- Arrow
- Blue Exorcist
- Miles Morales (game and movies)
- Marvel movies and live action shows
(basicly everything on my channel)

Editing genre I like is action, violence, gore, serious and sadder themes. I do make some neutral and happier videos too. Just nothing like Little pony style..yäk.

So my channel is not suited for people under 15 because there is a lot of blood and gore posibilities. And don’t watch if you get easily offended, I’m tired to hearing complaints about my song or material choices.

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