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I'm a scambaiter, trying to waste the time and resources of scammers, so they can't focus as much on scamming real victims. Meanwhile I'm trying to have fun by making them do things that entertain us.
Current adventures are posted on
It's important to mention that I don't profile ethnically. Any (romance) scammer that tries to get money from me is one I will try to play with. I also don't profile by gender or sexual orientation, but it is well known that scammers are arrogant and hate it when their orientation is questioned.
Thank you!
I'm a scambaiter, trying to waste the time and resources of scammers, so they can't focus as much on scamming real victims. Meanwhile I'm trying to have fun by making them do things that entertain us.
Current adventures are posted on
It's important to mention that I don't profile ethnically. Any (romance) scammer that tries to get money from me is one I will try to play with. I also don't profile by gender or sexual orientation, but it is well known that scammers are arrogant and hate it when their orientation is questioned.
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