Dante's Enigmatic World
Dante's Enigmatic World's Channel
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Dante's Enigmatic World
Dante's Enigmatic World
🔶Taking my resumption of DXing or BCL as an opportunity, old airchecks along with ones from now on, are to be uploaded. I would appreciate your comment and message. Thank you so much! (my comments on the contents herein may have mishearings, misreadings, misunderstandings etc., so your emendation would be greatly appreciated.)

🔶BCL/DX を再開したのを機に、私自身の忘備録として、昔の受信音とこれからの受信音を併せてUPしていこうと思っています。もしお気に留まりましたら、ご意見・ご感想・ご鞭撻等を頂けるとありがたく存じます (内容に関する私のコメントに誤り等がございましたら、是非ともご指摘ください)。

※No infringement of copyright is intended. Each and every material on this clip belongs to it's respective owner.
※No part of the contents herein may be reuploaded on cyberspace in any form without explicit consent of the owner of this channel, "Dante's Enigmatic World". My channel is not your archive!

★Handle: "Dante" (Uji City, Kyoto Pref., JAPAN)★ You can contact with me at: 🔶Gmail: contactwithdante@gmail.com
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