TheFirearmGuy's Channel
TheFirearmGuy has no videos available.
I truly enjoy sharing my guns and knowledge with this community. If you are looking for great firearm and 2A content along with many knowledgeable people, you found the right channel. The community built here is strong. The followers of this channel are amazing. You need not know everything. If you know everything, please leave. If you want to be around a bunch of great people who share information, there is no better place on the web than right here.
I review everything I can get my hands on. I get my hands on a lot of new firearms as I work very hard behind the scenes. You can support, you can complain or you can call me beautiful but be respectful. I put myself out there for all to see. I am not perfect. I do however love what I do and very much respect the followers of this channel. It's not the biggest channel on YouTube, but it's the closest.
We are all TheFirearmGuy.
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