KaiMo Films
This is the home of the stop motion animations and other video content of KaiMo Films.
To be honest, my faith in the art form is dwindling, and the quality standard is dropping faster than the plans for DC's cinematic universe. I find people who seem to pump out videos every week, regardless of quality. Animation isn't and shouldn't be an assembly line where you do the bare minimum and just throw it out there. This isn't to discredit the work put into these videos. It's just if you don't do simple things like rig removal, proper framing, and thought-out choreography, among a whole host of other things, the video is almost always worse off. And whenever someone uploads a video that has had months if not years put into it, it will probably only get 5% of the views it deserves, and fewer than 10% of their subscribers will see it. It's unbelievably disheartening. I'm here to stay, and I'll keep creating to the best of my ability, but my drive to create is ever shrinking and shrinking.
To be honest, my faith in the art form is dwindling, and the quality standard is dropping faster than the plans for DC's cinematic universe. I find people who seem to pump out videos every week, regardless of quality. Animation isn't and shouldn't be an assembly line where you do the bare minimum and just throw it out there. This isn't to discredit the work put into these videos. It's just if you don't do simple things like rig removal, proper framing, and thought-out choreography, among a whole host of other things, the video is almost always worse off. And whenever someone uploads a video that has had months if not years put into it, it will probably only get 5% of the views it deserves, and fewer than 10% of their subscribers will see it. It's unbelievably disheartening. I'm here to stay, and I'll keep creating to the best of my ability, but my drive to create is ever shrinking and shrinking.
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