Eldritch Streams
Eldritch Streams's Channel
Eldritch Streams has no videos available.
Eldritch Streams
Willkommen auf meinem Archiv-Kanal!

Hier lade ich die VOD's meiner Twitch-Streams hoch.

Mein Name ist Eldric Carcosa und ich bin dein freundlicher "Eldritch God" aus den Traumlanden. Ich mache Streams und Videos basierend auf dem, was mein Interesse weckt.


Welcome to my Channel!

Here I upload the VOD's of my Twitch-Streams.

My name is Eldric Carcosa and I am your friendly "Eldritch God" from the Dreamlands. I make streams and videos based on what catches my interest.

(English is not my native language, however, I answer as good as I can to all my English viewers and change the subtitles or language output accordingly if desired.)

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