Zach The Celtics Guy
Yo, I’m Zach, from Massachusetts, 28 years old, a full time mental health worker & part time DoorDasher. I am a Green Party supporter & anti imperialist. Go Green! My channel is often known for rage filled rants, nonstop ranting and nonstop mocking and is widely laced with yelling, curse words and politically incorrect jokes. I’m a prolific political ranter and my channel is strictly adult orientated (not for kids). What goes on here is not without controversy and I don’t care what people think. I am here to entertain & speak my mind. My views denying the Syrian “gas attacks" and the Uyghur "genocide", and on Russia vs. Ukraine, are criticized by imperialists globally. I’ve had 2 livestreams and 3 videos shut down by YouTube and the US / Zionist war machine & the sanctions regime and banned across the globe. This is sadly the price to pay for truth, but I will never stop & will always challenge the war narrative. Support me by subscribing & hitting the bell notification for more. Enjoy
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