Rob's Fat Stax o Comix
100% of this channel's revenue goes to support the Comics Curing Cancer campaign. This includes all ads, memberships, partnerships, merchandise, and more. Comics Curing Cancer is an official campaign of the American Cancer Society.
I'm a simple man who enjoys coffee, bourbon & BBQ. I'm a proud member of the Comic Book Fiend Club's West Chapter and collecting comics is my hobby not a job or side hustle. I started this channel to share my journey as a comic book collector, featuring mostly videos of books I pick up. On Saturdays I host a live stream called OnlySlabs, that features other comic collectors sharing some of their graded comic collection and the stories of those books.
I do not claim to be a "comic book expert", nor do I professes there is right and a wrong way to collect comics. I collect what interests me, sometimes that's stories, sometimes it's characters, and sometimes it's art, but in the end, I am just a fat man with a fat stack of comics, and an opinion.
I'm a simple man who enjoys coffee, bourbon & BBQ. I'm a proud member of the Comic Book Fiend Club's West Chapter and collecting comics is my hobby not a job or side hustle. I started this channel to share my journey as a comic book collector, featuring mostly videos of books I pick up. On Saturdays I host a live stream called OnlySlabs, that features other comic collectors sharing some of their graded comic collection and the stories of those books.
I do not claim to be a "comic book expert", nor do I professes there is right and a wrong way to collect comics. I collect what interests me, sometimes that's stories, sometimes it's characters, and sometimes it's art, but in the end, I am just a fat man with a fat stack of comics, and an opinion.
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