Hen Pecked
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Hen Pecked
We did a crazy thing we got a pack of hens! Our Coop is named the Starlet Inn! We are brand new to chicken farming, so follow along and learn with us! You will see Tonka 120 pound Alaskan malamute monroe something pound no comment Siberian husky the chicken whisperer is Kahlia Kay She’s two years old and completely obsessed with her sisters! And filming everything with me Bonnie otherwise known as Momma, a.k.a. Pepai (Grandma to Kahlia)! You will also see lots of other family members! We are super excited to go on this adventure, in this journey with you! So, if you have not subscribed yet hit that subscribe button, join our YouTube family! You can also join our YouTube family by looking up Tonka, the Malamute, a.k.a. WaterWolf, Monroe the Husky and Life with Tonka Monroe in Family Vlogs! If you have any tips, we would love to hear them, so make sure you leave them in the comments on the videos!
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