Alexo's Channel
Alexo has no videos available.
The Chad N Peter (CNP) series continues. Next season: 2024.

Officially one of the longest running machinima's of all time- literally over 15 years.
The Comedy follows Chad, Peter, and Deuu- in an underground classic of YouTube history.

I'm also known for various speedruns of games. Having some top times in the original SoulCalibur,
Classic Arcade titles, and classic Doom in multiple versions. I've done some ridiculous runs with games like Doom GBA, and the speedrunning world took notice on some. I've discovered glitches unknown for 20 years. Because I could.

Halo© Microsoft Corporation.
Not endorsed, affiliated, or reflecting of the opinions of Microsoft, or anyone involved with the Halo brand or license. As such, no direct ad revenue is made from any videos with images associated with any previously mentioned property. These exist for parody purpose.
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