Turner Classic Movies
Turner Classic Movies's Channel
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Turner Classic Movies
Turner Classic Movies
Turner Classic Movies is the source for all things classic films, including clips from yesterday's Hollywood stars and everyone's favorite "old movies" whether they’re in black and white or color!

When it comes to classic cinema, TCM has you covered! Whether you're into film noir, classic romance movies, Japanese monster movies, or award-winning films from yesteryear, look no further. Our fans celebrate some of the best movies of all time across a range of genres: science fiction, comedies, thrillers, mystery, history, drama, westerns, musicals, and more!

TCM is a two-time Peabody award-winning Network that produces world-class film festivals (both online and in-person), interviews the biggest movie stars the world has ever seen, and creates star tributes to honor those who are no longer with us.

Subscribe and keep up-to-date on everything worth watching on the Golden Age of Cinema, all for free! If you don’t, you’ll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon… 😊
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