Leonardo Francisco
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Leonardo Francisco
As you can already tell iam a big fan of manga/anime also known has an "Otaku", and yeah i know how to writte the word "Biggest" but YT only allows 21 letters per username.

I hate overated anime and retarded fanboys.

I use YT mostly for fun and time to time i upload videos so you can say am just a casual youtuber.

anime that iam wacthing: Current winter anime season, more especificaly: Papa no iukoto wo kikinasai!; Recorder to Randoseru; Senhime Sympho gear; black rock shooter; High school DXD; Baby please Kill me; ect

manga iam reading:

anime/manga that suprised me latly: Ratman (it´s plot and art are pretty nice, it has alot of potential)

latest epic fail: SOPA bill

Naruto finaly died in popularity :) narutards are phew now and people finaly opened theyre eyes to an anime that is mediocre at best.

congrats fanboys and narutards! naruto is now the top most hated anime ever. I hope ure guys are proud for acting like complete retards and for being the most spoiled anime fanbase eva, i guess insulting,hacking,trolling,false flaging realy did scared the haters away? XD oh oops it didn´t.

Dragonball Z rocks
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