Alex Diener
Current game lineup:
- Slot 1: Leaf's Odyssey
- Slot 2: Majora's Mask
- Slot 3: Master Key
- Slot 4: Celeste: Strawberry Jam
- Slot 5: Final Fantasy XIII
Upload schedule:
- Slots 1 and 2 on odd days at 10 AM and 4 PM eastern
- Slots 3 and 4 on even days at 10 AM and 4 PM eastern
- Slot 5 on Wednedays and Saturdays at 7 PM eastern
Current game lineup:
- Slot 1: Leaf's Odyssey
- Slot 2: Majora's Mask
- Slot 3: Master Key
- Slot 4: Celeste: Strawberry Jam
- Slot 5: Final Fantasy XIII
Upload schedule:
- Slots 1 and 2 on odd days at 10 AM and 4 PM eastern
- Slots 3 and 4 on even days at 10 AM and 4 PM eastern
- Slot 5 on Wednedays and Saturdays at 7 PM eastern
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