Alex Pfeffer
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Alex Pfeffer
Alex Pfeffer is a composer from Hamburg, Germany. For around 17 years, he has mainly worked in epic trailer music and video games.

In 1998, Alex went to L.A. to study music at the Los Angeles College of Music.

Alex has worked for Two Steps from Hell, Epic Score, Liquid Cinema, Gothic Storm, Position Music, and many others. His music has been featured in movie trailers such as Pacific Rim, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, etc., and is on air on around 60+ TV shows across the globe.

His music is also featured in video games, such as CHORUS, Company of Heroes 3, Crysis 2, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, Battleforge, Vikings: Wolves of Midgard, Sacred 2, Galaxy on Fire 3, Runes of Magic, John Woo's Stranglehold, The Settlers VII, ANNO 1404, Kinect Rush, HCA: The Ugly Prince Duckling and many others.

Alex has also worked for Mick Gordon (DOOM 2016), Trevor Morris (The Tudors), and Frank Peterson (Sarah Brightman) and wrote countless tracks for almost every top sample library company.

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