Keating Clips
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Keating Clips
Welcome to conversations with the brightest minds in the universe...including YOURS!

I'm the Chancellor's Distinguished Professor of Physics at UC San Diego where my team & I study the origin & evolution of space, time, & matter. I believe scientists are obligated to explain their work in simple terms to non-experts. I think scientifically and I want you to too.

Every week I put out two videos: a long-form interview with important thinkers or a fascinating Deep-dive into STEM subjects.

I wrote INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE & LOSING THE NOBEL PRIZE which was a Best Science Book at Science Friday, Amazon, Science News, Physics Today, Forbes, & Symmetry Magazine., named one of the best cosmology books of all time. I'm on a mission to magnify curiosity, stoke imagination, & inspire minds of all ages.

Join me, because "The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them: into the impossible!"
-- Sir Arthur C. Clarke

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