Увар Розумовски
Урбыс узьыва Полскиeй Цырылицы. Масз проблeм? То йeстeсь расиста и ксeнофоб.
The profile and background images on this channel are the property of their respective copyright holders: Blizzard Entertainment. The images used are from Warcraft III: Reforged and Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft and are used in accordance with Blizzard Entertainment's fan content policy. This channel is not affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment, and the content is non-commercial and fan-based. All rights to characters, names, and graphics belong to their rightful owners.
The profile and background images on this channel are the property of their respective copyright holders: Blizzard Entertainment. The images used are from Warcraft III: Reforged and Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft and are used in accordance with Blizzard Entertainment's fan content policy. This channel is not affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment, and the content is non-commercial and fan-based. All rights to characters, names, and graphics belong to their rightful owners.