Debka Webmaster
Debka Webmaster's Channel
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Debka Webmaster
DEBKAfile was founded by a team of journalists in June 2000 as an independent Internet Web site, providing an intelligence and security news service.

DEBKAfile pioneered intensive news coverage and analysis of global terror before it hit the front pages. Indeed, our profound knowledge of the subject gave DEBKAfile's earliest readers advance notice of 9/11 and its target, the World Trade Center.

It has evolved as a niche site specializing in Strategic Analysis. We have stayed a step ahead of Islamist terrorism up until the present day, and provided the same forward-looking coverage on the Iranian nuclear program and its links with North Korea; Al Qaeda's expansion into North and East Africa and latterly, Syria; the recent convulsions in Arab lands; the rise of radical Islam; shifting Middle East alliances and conflicts; big power rivalries in these volatile regions; trends in oil and energy; and new military weapons and tactics.
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