Yamina's Life
Hello! I’m from France but you can always activate the English subtitles ^~^
Living with too misunderstanding/rare health conditions and being a complex case with a particular experience, since 2014, I have suffered of medical mistreatment & medical errors from health professionals who almost killed me.
All this has caused traumas and health sequels.
This is why I now use the internet to spreads awareness, to show the reality of my life with chronic illnesses.
Speaking troughs my videos helps me to deal with my trauma like a therapy.
In short, I share with you my life in general, including my hobbies, my daily life, etc.
My diagnoses:
▪︎Severe gastroparésie (chronic vomiting and others since 2014)
▪︎Lyme, chronic Bartonella & co-infections
▪︎Keratoconus (surgery x4 on my left eye)
▪︎Endometriosis stage 2
▪︎several surgery & on artificial nutrition
▪︎Gastric Pacemaker since October 2019
Yamina Hsaini, Born on 09/12/1999
Living with too misunderstanding/rare health conditions and being a complex case with a particular experience, since 2014, I have suffered of medical mistreatment & medical errors from health professionals who almost killed me.
All this has caused traumas and health sequels.
This is why I now use the internet to spreads awareness, to show the reality of my life with chronic illnesses.
Speaking troughs my videos helps me to deal with my trauma like a therapy.
In short, I share with you my life in general, including my hobbies, my daily life, etc.
My diagnoses:
▪︎Severe gastroparésie (chronic vomiting and others since 2014)
▪︎Lyme, chronic Bartonella & co-infections
▪︎Keratoconus (surgery x4 on my left eye)
▪︎Endometriosis stage 2
▪︎several surgery & on artificial nutrition
▪︎Gastric Pacemaker since October 2019
Yamina Hsaini, Born on 09/12/1999