Congratulations, you did it! Welcome to the hypodermic-needle-dumpster bottom of Youtube. My name is Type QQ and I am, if not the only, certainly the worst, undead gamer on Youtube. Chained to this infernal domain, I'll showcase primarily Shoot 'Em Up games found on Steam and other PC-based platforms. If there is something you want to see played, offer a living sacrifice, paint a pentagram in it's blood and channel your darkest desires through the waves of chaos and brimstone. That's really the only way I'll receive it. Or just send me a key, if that's easier.
Infernal Contraption:
CyberPowerPC Gamer Ultra GUA530
Azza MOD935U Mouse
Steelseries Apex 350 Keyboard
Steelseries Raw Prism Headphones and Microphone
Generic pink-whatever Xbox 360 Controller
Humble Brags:
r/Shmups 7th High Score Challenge: Cho Ren Sha 68K - 3rd Place
r/Shmups (Un)official High Score Challenge: Eden Aegis - 5th Place
/r Shumps July '18 High Score Challenge: Blade Buster - 4th Place
Infernal Contraption:
CyberPowerPC Gamer Ultra GUA530
Azza MOD935U Mouse
Steelseries Apex 350 Keyboard
Steelseries Raw Prism Headphones and Microphone
Generic pink-whatever Xbox 360 Controller
Humble Brags:
r/Shmups 7th High Score Challenge: Cho Ren Sha 68K - 3rd Place
r/Shmups (Un)official High Score Challenge: Eden Aegis - 5th Place
/r Shumps July '18 High Score Challenge: Blade Buster - 4th Place
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