Pear of Geeks
Pear of Geeks's Channel
Pear of Geeks has no videos available.
Pear of Geeks
This channel is focused on improving your game from thought experiments to encounter inspiration. We mostly focus on role-playing games but we do cover board games, mega games and conventions too. Anything we feel that could benefit your game - you'll find it here.

The only problem for us is that GM's like to keep this gem of a channel to themselves for the ideas - rather than share the source of their inspiration with their players and because of that we are a small channel. Damn... I should have planned that better!

If you really enjoy these videos then you might consider joining our Patreon club, The Fruit Bowls:

If you want to see live plays we have a second channel for that:

We've also got a Facebook page - if you prefer to consume your videos that way (although we cannot post our larger videos there because of file size limits):

Thank you.
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