The Movie Massacre Show
The Movie Massacre Show's Channel
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The Movie Massacre Show
The Movie Massacre Show
Cartoon movie reviews with Bad taste humor and a dollop of in depth movie commentary and reviews by your animated host MM and Roach.

If you have an insatiable appetite for all things film and bad taste comedy, then you're at the right place.

The Movie Massacre Show is a Channel that consists of MM "Movie Massacre" the host and all round great pumpkin monster with the charm of Lionel Richie, and JJ "Movie Massacres son who has the charm of a toilet full of the brown stuff, and the one and only Roach, the outright undisputed champion of the Universe........he also has a most excellent collection of socks.

JOIN our Cult and become a member of The Movie Massacre Show.

We now have a brand new Album out, Movie Massacre & the Necrophilharmonic Orchestra.

Available right now over on #spotify

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