Britta Food4Dogs
Britta Food4Dogs's Channel
Britta Food4Dogs has no videos available.
Britta Food4Dogs
If you feel like chilling out a bit, or just want to see what I'm playing, you're most welcome here at my place. Pets are welcome too. It's cozy, it's hygge, it's gemütlich - it's Food4Dogs.

I do unboxings, with a twist: I like to talk about the back history, the graphics & music of the game, giving some context to what comes out of the box.
I also do first impressions and gameplay videos, covering pretty much all platforms I play on.

I live on #VitaIsland and love to share everything Vita-related.
I added a Switch to my console stable in 2019, and in 2021 I also got an Xbox Series S.
In Sept. 2024 I finally bought a PS5 (Slim/Disc). Of course I still keep my PS4/Pro, PS3 & PS2 going!

You can find me on Twitter @Food4Dogs

* My channel is NOT MONETISED.
* I do not accept personal gifts, unsolicited review codes or any other merchandise.
* No personal interviews

The email address below is for any other professional enquiry - I very occasionally accept items for unboxing videos.

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