Overhazard's Channel
Overhazard has no videos available.
Hello, welcome to a little corner of the Internet where you can waste your precious time watching someone else play video games. Just remember--no R4's allowed!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How did you record so clearly?
A: I have a video capture device. I use a Miglia TVMax, and the program it comes with is Elgato EyeTV. However, both are Mac-only. If you're using Windows or some other OS, you'll have to look elsewhere.

Q: What is your Friend Code?
A: My rosters are not open unless I say I have some spots open. People request to compete against me several times every day, so don't think you're the only one.
If you ask to battle or offer your Friend Code, I will ignore you.

Q: Will you ever do commentary/narration on your videos?
A: The video description provides enough commentary by itself. (The answer is "no.")

Q: What is your Hidden Power type?
A: Infernape - Dragon
Manectric - Grass
Victreebel - Rock
Clamperl - Fighting
Channel Comments
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