TheZooTycooner14's Channel
TheZooTycooner14 has no videos available.
I'm a 22 year-old girl with a passion for video games. The main games I enjoy playing are Zoo Tycoon 2, Minecraft, Spore, and theHunter, with a couple of other random games mixed in. Stick around if you'd like to see my let's-plays and build tutorials! I also enjoy random chats so feel free to send me a PM if you feel like talking.

Also, part of the reason i'm doing YouTube - my narrated videos in particular - is to become more comfortable with talking. I struggle with social awkwardness, so you'll have to forgive me while I find my commentating voice, and hopefully you all find some sort of amusement, entertainment, or inspiration from my videos.

For anyone looking for Zoo Tycoon 2 downloads, I acquired the majority of my downloads from the sites linked below. Not all of the downloads I have will be found at those sites - there's many more sites and downloads that are no longer available. Keep an eye on my uploads for videos providing further missing downloads.
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