Our Bucket List Has Holes
Hi and thank you for checking us out! Our channel in just about living. Everything in life whether it be spiritual, gardening, health, politics, homesteading, cooking, canning, global info, and/or anything going on in our lives in general or globally.
We moved from the big city to the country in 2000 and we will never live in the city again lol. We live a simple lifestyle and are grateful for what we have.
Here are a few phrases to think about :-)
Always thank Our Creator everyday for what you have.......Friends are one of the ways Our Creator takes care of us..
One can never have too many hugs, or laugh to often............................Dance to your own music.....
Many people will walk in and out of your life, But only TRUE FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart...(by Eleanor Roosevelt)
And Never, ever regret anything that made you laugh.............
Peace&Love :-)
We moved from the big city to the country in 2000 and we will never live in the city again lol. We live a simple lifestyle and are grateful for what we have.
Here are a few phrases to think about :-)
Always thank Our Creator everyday for what you have.......Friends are one of the ways Our Creator takes care of us..
One can never have too many hugs, or laugh to often............................Dance to your own music.....
Many people will walk in and out of your life, But only TRUE FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart...(by Eleanor Roosevelt)
And Never, ever regret anything that made you laugh.............
Peace&Love :-)
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