Team Zephyr
Team dedicated to Co-Op and Full Band rhythm game achievements.
Current Roster:
456Productions - Dennis
anawkwardbean - Landen
bluebro827 - Lucas
Coltrane - Luigi
damndeeznotes - Eric
DarklyPlays - Kai
DatGamerJimmeh - Jimmy
Delk - Delk
djx1100 - Dylan
Drago2143 - Celeste
Exoticri - Exo
Infrarain - Rufus
JimboEatsKFC - Saúl
Jloe01 - Jared
JoelD77 - Joel
Kujo GH - Kira
Maximilian - Max
MudkipYoshi - Ben
MusicMan1222 - Isaiah
nukeissa - Edan
Oktoberfest - Diego
PeterPusheen - Peter
PhatBass366 - Neil
Roof - Ruari
SanicStudios - Daniel
scattercrash! - Keegan
SkyboundCH - Chris
SneakCoot - Mike
Snow - Alex
Stardust Wyvern - Jono
SuperZero225 - Zero
TheyCallMePooki - Luca
zacpilled - Zac
Current Roster:
456Productions - Dennis
anawkwardbean - Landen
bluebro827 - Lucas
Coltrane - Luigi
damndeeznotes - Eric
DarklyPlays - Kai
DatGamerJimmeh - Jimmy
Delk - Delk
djx1100 - Dylan
Drago2143 - Celeste
Exoticri - Exo
Infrarain - Rufus
JimboEatsKFC - Saúl
Jloe01 - Jared
JoelD77 - Joel
Kujo GH - Kira
Maximilian - Max
MudkipYoshi - Ben
MusicMan1222 - Isaiah
nukeissa - Edan
Oktoberfest - Diego
PeterPusheen - Peter
PhatBass366 - Neil
Roof - Ruari
SanicStudios - Daniel
scattercrash! - Keegan
SkyboundCH - Chris
SneakCoot - Mike
Snow - Alex
Stardust Wyvern - Jono
SuperZero225 - Zero
TheyCallMePooki - Luca
zacpilled - Zac
Friends (12)
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