The #1 Prince deserves the #1 Princess, right?
The #1 Prince deserves the #1 Princess, right?'s Channel
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The #1 Prince deserves the #1 Princess, right?
The #1 Prince deserves the #1 Princess, right?
Hey everyone. I'm TheFantagePrince, but you can call me Piccolo. That would be my Fantage Username...sorta.
I JUST started this youtube stuff, after my best friend, FantageSenseiAndy, quit youtube and Fantage and stuff. I was in her series Gemini and I think NOT! along with some of her other videos. After she quit she said I should make videos and taught me how to animate on a Mac and taught me some other stuff. I use a mac just like her. So my style of animating is going to be like hers :3 I might become even BETTER than her! No? Oh okay...
So yeah. Here is some stuff about me:
Fantage User: piccolo_rocks
Level: 121 (I gained 50 levels by catching seahorses)
Favorite stuff: Sushi, soup, pastas, bright green, track and field, and anime
Animes: Death Note, DBZ, Mirai Nikki, SnK, Naruto, FMA, HOTD, Bleach, Fairy Tail, Toriko, Soul Eater, Pokemon(Duh)
One of my favorite games is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. That game has some deep feels man
Btw i'm 13 right now xD
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