Animator Dormitory Channel
Animator Dormitory Channel's Channel
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Animator Dormitory Channel
Animator Dormitory Channel
The Animator Dormitory is a dormitory located in Tokyo for new animators operated by the non-profit organization, Animator Supporters.

We founded the organization to tackle the low-wage problem that is prevalent in the anime industry.
According to a 2015 survey conducted by JAnicA , the average monthly salary for an animator in their 20s is around ¥90,000(=$800). Many new animators even earn less than ¥30,000 (approx. $270) per month.

The character in our videos, Ryoko, is a fictional character. However, her stories are based on experiences of real, new animators who stay at the Animator Dormitory. You can read their about their experiences on our Twitter @animatordorm.
We aim to depict the lifestyle of current new animators as accurately as possible, so that we can help you understand their everyday life.
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