Hannibal and Monty's Show
Hannibal and Monty's Show's Channel
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Hannibal and Monty's Show
Hannibal and Monty's Show
Spanning the beats of hip-hop to the pages of comic books and everything in between.

From New Orleans, Monty (the artist) and Hannibal the Beat Animal (the music producer) talk music, comics, art, and the culture live every week.

Think of it like a new take on the old variety-style shows. Alongside some culturally relevant news, Hannibal and Monty interview some awesome guests from the hip-hop and art worlds, investigate what is really fair or foul in the world, decide whose cookout is worth going to, and occasionally produce their own music videos.

💥 💥 💥 LIVE SHOWS AIR WEEKLY AT 9:30 pm EST/8:30 pm CST/6:30 PM PST. Come hang out. 💥💥💥

And don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, ya'll. 👍🏿 https://www.youtube.com/@hannibalandmont...

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