Jayanam is an indie game developer, 2d / 3d artist and software development engineer for about 15 years. I am creating tutorials and how to game development videos for the tools and programming languages like:
Blender, ZBrush, 3D-Coat, Unity-3D, Unreal Engine (UE4), iClone, Photoshop and Krita - C++, C# or Python.
My PC specs:
* Windows 10
* CPU Core i7
* GeForce GTX 1060 Mini, 6GB GDDR5, 8 Ghz
I love to create game development videos and share these with you, if you have any ideas or wishes feel free to contact me.
Matthias Pieroth
St.-Charles-Ring 21
71638 Ludwigsburg – Germany
+49 1577 3835761
Blender, ZBrush, 3D-Coat, Unity-3D, Unreal Engine (UE4), iClone, Photoshop and Krita - C++, C# or Python.
My PC specs:
* Windows 10
* CPU Core i7
* GeForce GTX 1060 Mini, 6GB GDDR5, 8 Ghz
I love to create game development videos and share these with you, if you have any ideas or wishes feel free to contact me.
Matthias Pieroth
St.-Charles-Ring 21
71638 Ludwigsburg – Germany
+49 1577 3835761
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