Adrian NxG
Adrian NxG's Channel
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Adrian NxG
△ Dont play video games anymore. So stop asking me!

△ GT = Alive AG (Quit)

△ PSN = Twistednesz (Quit)

△ #4 SoH and #6 Mara on Ps3

2012 Xbox Clans :
⇨ Voltage #2
⇨ gLobe #9
⇨ AG #9
⇨ Oath #10
⇨ M200 #20
⇨ VoiD #24

oG 2010-11 PS3 Clans :
⇨ NoToriuZ #1 [oG Leader]
⇨ VoiD #1 [oG Leader]
⇨ eXiLe #1
⇨ VizuaLz #1
⇨ XGeN #1
⇨ VoLT #1
⇨ oG #1
⇨ xFuZe #1
⇨ Triumph #1
⇨ ZysT #2
⇨ EPiC #2
⇨ TWiSTeD #2
⇨ FiNe #2
⇨ Ns #3
⇨ UNiQuE #3
⇨ VaPoR #3

⇨ oG Comp sniper since 09. Been in the best teams, became one of the best oG snipers, and created some of the best teams. Goml up randoms.
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