The Midnight Minute
The Midnight Minute's Channel
The Midnight Minute has no videos available.
The Midnight Minute
This channel is all about improv comedy and organic moments in VRChat, #daily #shorts with some longer improv sketches, memes, and VR game and hardware reviews.

When I say daily shorts, I mean DAILY. I have uploaded one video or more every day for 130 days as of 07/06/2021.
I would like the videos I create for you to be full of energy and funny moments, but I also want to stand apart from the typical VRChat content creators.

"How so" you ask???

I am striving to create content that is relevant, funny, heartfelt, and insightful. I am ok with some dark humor and moderately sexualized content as long as there are no victims left in the wake. I hope to make you feel emotional tones, and not simply be bashed over the head repeatedly with comedy antics that seem to match the maturity of an average 8 year old. And, I see to continually evolve the quality of my content as well as the sub plots the actors are portraying.

Yes, there is cannon and lore.

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